Crimea crisis poses a threat
to tourism in Spain, Greece
April 2, 2014: 11:38 AM ETRussia's annexation of the region has weakened the ruble
and may mean fewer Russians visit southern Europe this summer.
By Ian Mount
..."A November 2013 study by the Barcelona provincial government and Serhs Tourism, a travel agency and travel services provider based in Barcelona, found that Russians spend an average of 125 euros per day, outpacing visitors from Germany (98 euros), Britain (93 euros), and France (80 euros). Ninety-six percent of Russian tourists used an agency to set up their trip, according to Serhs. Now, however, Russians are taking a wait-and-see attitude before they book their European summer vacations, according to Serhs Tourism's managing director Delfí Torns, who recently returned from the Moscow International Travel and Tourism conference (MITT)."
Torns says he's seen an 11% decline in the number of airline seats Russian tour operators are reserving on scheduled and charter flights to Spain. Advance bookings by Russians planning vacations in Spain are also down -- by as much as 20%, he notes.
..."A November 2013 study by the Barcelona provincial government and Serhs Tourism, a travel agency and travel services provider based in Barcelona, found that Russians spend an average of 125 euros per day, outpacing visitors from Germany (98 euros), Britain (93 euros), and France (80 euros). Ninety-six percent of Russian tourists used an agency to set up their trip, according to Serhs. Now, however, Russians are taking a wait-and-see attitude before they book their European summer vacations, according to Serhs Tourism's managing director Delfí Torns, who recently returned from the Moscow International Travel and Tourism conference (MITT)."
Torns says he's seen an 11% decline in the number of airline seats Russian tour operators are reserving on scheduled and charter flights to Spain. Advance bookings by Russians planning vacations in Spain are also down -- by as much as 20%, he notes.